Children’s Acupuncture

Acupuncture for children is safe, quick and very effective.

The treatment only lasts about 5 minutes and is well tolerated by most children. Our acupuncturist Tara Rivero Zea uses a special Gentle Needle technique and she also has a 3B scientific laser pen for those children who are nervous. Usually only about 4 points are chosen and the needle is quickly inserted and immediately withdrawn. 

Your child does not have to stay still, and younger children are needled whilst sitting on a parents lap. They usually respond very quickly to treatment. 

Tara is a mother of four young children herself and has experience of treating children of all ages. She became interested in paediatric treatments when her own children succumbed to a wide range of typical childhood illnesses and her practice grew from there.  Tara can also give dietary advice which may be helpful. Tara sees babies and children of all ages, from a few days old to teenagers.  

Chinese Dietary Advice
Tara can give dietary advice based along the principles of Chinese medicine that can be very helpful in the treatment of many childhood illnesses.


What Childhood Diseases Can Chinese Medicine Treat?
Many childhood illnesses have traditionally been treated with Chinese medicine. These include common conditions such as:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Diarrhoea

  • Constipation 

  • Enuresis (bed wetting)

  • Sleep disturbance such as: night crying, insomnia, nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking

  • Teething

  • Abdominal pain

  • Hay fever, asthma, eczema

  • Hyperactivity

  • Attention deficit disorder

  • Emotional disturbances

What Should We Expect During A Treatment?


Tara takes a full diagnosis which involves asking the parent and child questions about the main complaint, as well as a full medical history and information about diet and behaviour. Tara makes a diagnosis according to the principles of Chinese medicine and then discusses with the parent which treatment is most appropriate.

The number of treatments your child will need depends on the pattern your child has, and how long they have had it for. It can take between 1-6 treatments for something simple and more for more complex cases. Tara will discuss a treatment plan with you on your first treatment. Most children respond well to treatment.

The laser pen is completely painless and every child is able to tolerate it. It is quicker and more gentle than using the acupuncture needles, so if your child prefers the laser pen treatment might take slightly longer.

Every treatment is based on trust with the child so we discuss with them what we are going to do and get their consent. For example, some children will be happy to have an acupuncture needle on their feet, but laser pen on their head (when treating a teenager with recurrent headaches for example).

I have been bringing my child to Tara for treatment for recurrent tonsillitis. We have been down the western medical route and didn’t want to keep giving antibiotics over and over again. I was a bit hesitant about putting needles into my son but Tara was calm and reassuring and worked within his comfort zone and got his permission. He agreed to a combination of 4 small needles and laser pen . The treatment was very quick and painless and he didn’t mind at all and best of all we finally stopped the recurrent infections and adopted some of the lifestyle changes she recommended. I would 100% recommended acupuncture for children.
— MS in Hackney



Acupuncture 1st appointment
£76 for 1 hour which includes consultation and treatment

Children’s Acupuncture
£46 for 30mins